
Posts Tagged ‘self help for writers’

Self-Help for Writers

December 28, 2008 Leave a comment

This holiday season, my husband gave me “Embracing Your Inner Critic” by Hal and Sidra Stone.  I’d be insulted, but I found this book a wonderful journey into personal discovery. 

The Stones describe how our inner thoughts can be either a painful saboteur or the motivation to achieve what appears impossible.

They point out the irony of how our inner critic outwardly is our protector from being hurt or abused by others, but in actuality, the inner voice can cause much psychological damage, which exhibit symptoms of shame, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.  

Targeting writers, this self-help book strives to assist all writers to turn self-criticism into a creative outlet.

We can extrapolate the observations and behavior descriptions to other areas of our lives as well.  We are all wounded souls in one sense or another.  It only seems fair to say that our inner critic has words to say about all sectors of our life…

It is an easy read…and if you ever wondered why you always run late or why you keep dating the same type of guy/girl that makes you insane, the Stones may help shed some light and give you control over your idiosyncrasies.

This is not a particularly difficult book to read.  It could have been more succinct, but the content is sound.  It echoed many things that I’ve heard or read before and connected the dots for me.  For those who might deem this as psycho babble, you  might be right.  Some won’t ever see what the Stones are writing about.  Is it denial or just a lack of introspection?

And of course, what psychological cook book doesn’t come with recipes?Yes, this book comes with exercises to get you out of your psychological rut. 

Will I do the exercises?  Probably.  But maybe not all.

 Do I expect results?  Hope so.